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How to Transition to Friendly Shampoo Bars

Using Friendly shampoo bars after using normal shampoo for years can take a bit of adjustment. Your hair might go through a process of transition or 'purge' as Friendly Soaps call it whereby your scalp might become slightly oily or dry, or flip between the two and it might feel frizzy or waxy. This is completely normal and is just your hair’s way of adjusting as your scalp needs time to rebalance its natural oil production. Please note that not all shampoo bars have this effect, but below is information to help if you do experience this, particularly with the Friendly shampoo bars.

Depending on how much damage chemical shampoos have done, this stage usually lasts around one week but can last anything up to three weeks.

Once your hair is used to the new shampoo, your hair will feel softer, cleaner and much more manageable, and that’s because natural shampoo bars clean and condition your hair without stripping it of its natural sebum. Any dandruff might disappear too, because your scalp isn’t being dried out and your skin isn’t reacting to those nasty chemicals bottled shampoos are full of.

Tips for an easy transition

With Friendly shampoo bars, instead of using a conditioner it is recommended to use an apple cider vinegar rinse (see below for instructions), as this helps restore your scalp’s pH balance as well as banish old chemicals. It will also give it a good shine and protect the shaft of each hair.

Make a habit of brushing your hair gently and regularly (we suggest twice every day – this will redistribute your hair’s natural oils).

Have a few days break between washes, just to allow it to adjust. Rinse your hair thoroughly whenever you wash it, to help make sure you get rid of every trace of shampoo. Try using a bit of dry shampoo or corn starch if your hair is feeling oily, rubbing a small amount into your scalp before brushing it through.

To help calm any frizz or tangles, you can also try using a little argon oil through your hair.

If your hair has a lot of product built up in it, before you use the shampoo bar try the simple baking soda rinse detailed below.

Apple cider vinegar spritz

1 part apple cider vinegar (use the type with ‘mother of vinegar’)

4 parts water

A few drops of your favourite essential oil

Baking soda clarifying rinse recipe

1 tablespoon baking soda

1 – 2 cups of warm water

Combine these ingredients in a spray bottle or cup, then wet your hair, apply the rinse, and work it through. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water, then shampoo it.

Washing your hair

Run the shampoo bar over your head in one direction, from front to back. This will help you to avoid creating knots. Once you’ve a good amount of shampoo on your head, massage it into your scalp using your fingers. Rinse your hair with water until every drop of shampoo is out.

For further assistance, Friendly Soap have guidance on the link below https://www.friendlysoap.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/From-Bottle-to-Bar-Web-Version.pdf

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