I think it is important for us to raise awareness with our little ones on what effect our existence can have on the planet and how...
I think it is important for us to raise awareness with our little ones on what effect our existence can have on the planet and how we can help reduce our impact. Teaching our children about going zero waste and reducing plastic pollution doesn't have to be a chore. Things like eco-bricking for example can be a fun activity! That's why the books above are one of my all time favourite products as they make inspiring our mini eco-warriors a bit more fun!
By using more eco friendly products in our day to day lives, we can teach our little ones the importance of living more plastic free and make them think about their choices later in life. They may even inspire their friends at school to start making eco friendly choices. Children can have a huge impact - just look at the effect Greta Thunburg has had on the world in recent years!
As a new mummy, this range will be growing more and more as time goes by as I am now doing a lot of hands-on research!
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